Press Sample
Good afternoon! I hope you are having a great Monday! Today I have two lovely shades from ORLY’s new Breathable Treatment + Color line. This is a new lacquer that combines treatment and color all in one lacquer. The idea is much like a contact lens, it allows air and moisture to penetrate the lacquer and in turn help nail growth and health. This lacquer contains Argan oil and vitamins B5 and C which will help strengthen your nail and repair damage. There is no need for a base coat or top coat, just lacquer and allow to dry.
First up we have Barely There. This is a white creme with warm pink undertones. Application was surprisingly easy, since it is a white, and leveled out nicely. In my photos I am wearing just two coats of Barely There.
Next up we have Give Me A Break. This is a bright magenta pink creme. Again application and formula were both perfect. The extra wide brush head made cuticle edges crisp without much work. In my photos I am wearing two coats of Give Me A Break.
So what do you guys think of the new Breathable Treatment + Color line from ORLY? It is certainly an interesting concept and could certainly see using these on my toes, I tend to wear lacquer for much longer periods, or even for giving my nails a break between traditional lacquer. The only downside is to get this to work, you will have to skip on the fast dry top coats and I am a bit addicted to those. All in all I think this is an interesting concept and while this may not be for everyone, it does have a needed place in the community. Be sure to check out all the amazing lacquers ORLY has to offer and give them a follow on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for up to date info. Thanks a million for stopping by today and I will see you all again tomorrow.
These products were provided for review but that does not influence my opinions.
How fast is the dry time? I am such a quick dry top coat kind of gal – not wearing one would feel so abnormal. Give Me A Break is lovely!
It really seemed on par with your standard lacquers. Not super quick but manageable.
I’ve heard a bit of backlash from the professional community on it but I liked it when I wore it. I especially loved how easy it was to remove.
I understand what ORLY is trying to create and think there is certainly a place for it. One thing I noticed was the smell was almost nonexisiting which was really nice!
Those are pretty. I don’t grok the breathable thing… Nails don’t need to breathe.
I think this is a great option for women in the Muslim community. Wudu is a very common procedure before prayer and this would allow a person to wear polish and not have to remove before hand. The water could still penetrate the lacquer.
Some people have to pray and in order to pray you can’t have any makeup or nail polish on so they created orly breathable so that that the water can reach the actual nail when your praying
I’ve heard a lot about this line lately. These colors are pretty!
It is certainly an interesting idea and would love to see the long term effects!
I’ve been hearing a lot about breathable polishes lately, they sound really cool! I’m up for anything that lets more people wear polish.
I totally agree!!! I love seeing the community grow and offer more options for lacquer lovers! <3
I love Orly’s formula. Give Me A Break is one of those polishes you can wear through the year, no matter what season it is!
I totally agree!!!!
Love both of these!
They are pretty fabulous and great core colors! <3
I love a great white shade… these colors are absolutely gorgeous.
Me too! There are a must have for sure! <3
I got a breathable mani at CPNA. I still don’t know what I think of them…but that fuchsia is amazing.
I am always up for a good bright lacquer so this is perfect for me!
Two stunning Orly polishes
and fabulous swatches x
Thanks! <3