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Happy Monday! I hope you are all having a wonderful day! We are finally down to the last few days before Halloween and while I have loved sharing all of my holiday nail looks, today I have the upcoming Polish Pickup exclusive from Sweet Heart Polish to share with you guys. The month of November is Fairytale themed and there are some pretty awesome goods available this go around.
From Sweet Heart Polish we have Can’t Catch Me… inspired by the Stinky Cheese Man by Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith. This lacquer is an olive base blend with gold shimmer and sparks. The application was flawless and had excellent coverage. In my photos, I am wearing just two coats of Can’t Catch Me… by Sweet Heart Polish and one coat of clear top coat.

What do you guys think of this month’s Polish Pickup exclusive from Sweet Heart Polish? I love fairytales and am loving this month’s inspiration piece. This shade would be perfect for any time of year and is a must pickup!!! The Polish Pickup preorder will be open from November 1st to November 4th and Can’t Catch Me… from Sweet Heart Polish will retail for $8.50 and has no cap! Thank you so much for stopping by today and I will see you all again soon! <3

Product provided for review but that does not influence my opinions.
That is a great shade for Halloween!
I am really into greens right now and this shade is so pretty!
Nice green 😀
I really like how this green looks!
Thats a nice shade of green!
Good shade of pea soup!
That’s a real good price for such a nice polish!!