Press Sample
Good evening everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! My weekend was cut short once again due to COVID-19 but I certainly did enjoy my one day. We have been extremely short-handed due to people quitting, vacationing, and actually contracting the virus themselves that days are just starting to run together. The long days and continuous running gets exhausting and leaves me aching in the evenings. When I get off work I don’t want to do ANYTHING but lay in bed and relax.
Nothing relaxes me more than a good massage on sore muscles but with the crazy work schedule and never knowing when I’m actually off making it impossible to schedule a massage. That’s where the home massage guns come in handy!

I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Mebak 3 Deep Tissue Percussion Massager and I am in love! This gun has a stunning sleek look, tons of attachments, and cool features that I haven’t seen in some massagers. The Mebak 3 has 7 different attachments and 5 adjustable speed levels so you are sure to find the right combo to work out your sore muscles on any part of your body.

I am loving the control head! You get a very precise battery reading so you never have to worry about a dead battery! Along with the battery readout, the Mebak 3 also has LEDs to the left to show the selected speed, and the LEDs to the right offer a handy massage force feedback level! Perfect for when someone is using the massager on another person, they can find the optimal pressure and maintain it for the perfect deep tissue massage.
With seven different attachments, you can really work any muscle on your body with ease. I found one to work my neck, one to work my back, and one to work my feet! The machine will shut off automatically after 10 minutes so you don’t overwork an area and also easily helps you keep track of time.
Each attachment has a rubber ring to help cushion things and we know rubber is meant to wear. Mebak 3 makes sure you can use this gun for years to come so they include replaceable rings.

So what do you guys think of the Mebak 3 Deep Tissue Percussion Massager? I am in love! The digital readout for battery life is so handy and I love the force feedback display. Sometimes it’s hard to explain the pressure level so once one is found with the LEDs, it’s easy for your partner to maintain the correct pressure level. This gun offers tons of features but is priced really low for what you get. Right now you can pick up the Mebak 3 on Amazon for $129.99 but there is also a $20 off coupon right now! If you suffer from sore muscles or feet, you need to get an at-home massager! It will pay for itself in no time!
Thank you so much for stopping by this wonderful Monday and I will see you all again soon!

This sounds wonderful. I think my husband would love this even more than I would.
I can benefit from this since massage places are still closed here in Hawaii
These have been posted about a lot in the past so many months! Seems to be a current trend!
This sounds so nice. I need one in my life!
I think we need to pick up one of these. My hubby is an essential worker and could really do with a great massage. The price is not bad either considering a visit to a RMT is about the same price.
I’ve actually been considering buying one of these for myself and my husband. We’ve been really feeling some back and shoulder stiffness lately!